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Published On 6/24/2024
LWV-TLC recommends these news websites. Click on links to review. Many suggest that you add their newsletter for periodic viewing in your email.
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Published On 6/20/2024
Thanks to Teri Copeland for finding this article: "
Why is Polarization a Problem..." from the "Starts With Us" website'
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Published On 6/17/2024
The Brennan Center for Justice explores many issues of concern to League members and the voting public. You can access the website at and be sure to scroll down to the Facebook logo to see an article published in 2023 but still very relevant when some politicians are saying that they will not accept the results of elections unless they win.
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Published On 5/31/2024
The League launched our "One Person One Vote" campaign to activate voters around abolishing the Electoral College and building a truly representative electoral system.
The Electoral College is a racist relic designed to take power away from the people. Just as we did during the women's suffrage movement, we're fighting for a democracy that is truly by and for the people.
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Published On 5/27/2024
It seems like everyone is talking about toxic division and polarization. In response, you might have wondered, “America has always had a lot of disagreement and conflict. How is this different?”
Or maybe you’ve thought: “But it makes sense for us to be polarized when the ‘other side’ is so horrible and dangerous.” Being divided can seem to make sense when we see “them” as hurting the country or our community, as behaving in authoritarian ways, or whatever it is we see that arouses our anger.
So let’s dig into what people mean when they talk about the problem of polarization.
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Published On 5/17/2024
LWV-TLC want you to have easy access to important and informed political news during the coming election cycle. Here are some excellent cites that can help you be an informed citizen.
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Published On 12/1/2023
The Founding Fathers maintained that the success of the fragile American democracy would depend on the competency of its citizens. They believed strongly that preserving democracy would require an educated population that could understand political and social issues and would participate in civic life, vote wisely, protect their rights and freedoms, and resist tyrants and demagogues. The critical role of an educated electorate to an effective democracy makes a high-quality system of public education a democracy issue. Any effort to weaken our system of public education or thwart its fundamental role of preparing citizens for self-governance, weakens our democracy.
There appears to be a War being waged on public education in Ohio and around the country and we should be ready to protect democracy by preventing the rise of policies that weaken public education for all.
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The League of Woman Voters of Toledo-Lucas County is
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