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LWV Toledo-Lucas County
Take Action

One way of taking action is by contacting your representatives. Listed below is the contact information for those representing at the National and State Level

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

Write: The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.  
Washington, DC 20500.  
(Please include your e-mail address so they can respond.) 
Online:   Contact the White House 
Comments: 202-456-1111 

Switchboard: 202-456-1414 TTY/TTD
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitor's Office: 202-456-2121

Senators and Representatives:

Senator Sherrod Brown

Senator J.D. Vance

Rep. Bob Latta, 5th District

Rep. Marcy Kaptur, 9th District

State of Ohio:

Governor Mike DeWine

Ohio Secretary of State


Elected officials are very sensitive to the views of their constituents--especially those constituents who are thoughtful and involved.

Be Prepared: You already know something about the issue when you decide to contact your elected official but try to line up more facts to back up your point of view. Whether you are supporting or opposing a piece of legislation, clear, reasonable expressions of your opinion will get priority treatment. Avoid excessive documentation, which won't be read.

Telephoning: A telephone call can be a very effective action tool. Be sure you are prepared and well informed and place your call at a strategic time: just before a vote. If a public official is not available, speaking with an administrative assistant can also be effective.

Letter Writing: The letter, sent by the postal service, fax or e-mail, is the most widely used form of communication with public officials. The amount of mail on a particular bill frequently helps determine an office holder's position.

Letter Writing Dos 

  • Do write legibly: Handwritten letters are fine if they are readable. 
  • Do be brief and to the point: Discuss only one issue in each letter. 
  • Do identify yourself: Indicate the state, congressional district, city or county in which you are a voter. If you have family, business or political connections related to the issue, say so. It may help support your point of view. 
  • Do identify a bill by number or title: This helps your elected official know which bill you are referring to if there are several bills on the same issue. 
  • Do be courteous and reasonable. 
  • Do write if you have a question or problem dealing with procedures of government departments: Public officials can often help cut through red tape or give advice. 
  • Do write to say you approve, not just to complain or oppose. 
  • Do include pertinent editorials from local papers. 
  • Do write early in the session before a bill has been introduced if you have ideas about an issue you would like to see incorporated into legislation: If your elected official is a member of the committee to which it has been referred, write when the committee begins hearings. If not, write just before the bill comes to the floor for debate and vote.

Letter Writing Don'ts 

  • Don't begin on the righteous note of "As a citizen and taxpayer..." Your elected representatives assume you are a citizen, and that you pay your taxes. 
  • Don't apologize for taking a legislator's time. If you are brief and to the point, public officials are glad to hear from you. 
  • Don't be rude or threatening. It will hurt your credibility. 
  • Don't be vague. Some letters to congressional offices are written in such general terms that it is difficult to know the writer's point. Cite specific issues and legislation whenever you can.

The League of Woman Voters of Toledo-Lucas County is
a member of Northwest Ohio Community Shares

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