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HomeVoter Services

LWV Toledo-Lucas County
Voter Services

Voter Services volunteers promote the active and informed participation of citizens in government. Through Voters Services, the League provides voter outreach, registration, voting information, factual nonpartisan information on government, political parties, election issues and candidates. The League also encourages citizens to participate in the electoral process by registering voters, becoming poll workers, and becoming involved with Election Protection activities.  As a member, feel free to join one of the many committees. For further information or if you have questions, please email us at


Voter Outreach & Registration

Members of LWV-TLC direct and / or assist with a variety of voter outreach & registration events throughout the year.  Annually there is NVRD (National Voter Registration Day).  This occurs in September (each year) and is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy.  First oBserved in 2012, NVRD has quickly gained momentum ever since.  Nearly 4.7 million voters have registered to vote on the holiday to date.  2022 was the 10th anniversary.  

Immigrants to this country who have met the requirements for citizenship are sworn in as full U.S. citizens in a formal ceremony. Overseen by the Federal Court of the Northern District of Ohio, which comprises 21 counties with its seat in Lucas County, the Naturalization Ceremonies take place every month in our area with new citizens coming from all these counties.  The Ceremonies are held all over the district. For decades, League volunteers have played an integral role in these activities welcoming new Americans, registering them to vote, and encouraging their active participation in our democracy. 

1ST  Wednesdays                       

The Reentry Coalition of Northwest Ohio (RCNWO) is a group of service agencies & individuals with the mission to reduce recidivism & promote public safety by creating partnerships & shared accountability for successful community reentry of persons from prisons and/or jail.   RCNWO connects "restored" citizens (persons released from prison), family members and/or significant others with needed services such as medical resources, banking, housing, legal assistance & driver's licenses.  "Going Home to Stay" is a reentry resource program. 
They call it "1st Wednesday" and it is held at One Government Center, Toledo, Ohio.  
LWV-TLC partners with RCNWO and participates by:  promoting community awareness that "restored" citizens have the right to vote;  checking voter registrations;  registering voters and encouraging voting.

Lucas County Jail Voter Reg                   
[2nd Wed of each month from 1 - 3 pm]

Every month, members of the League and others visit the jail in downtown Toledo to register citizens who are eligible  (information about the 1st Wednesday program is included).  Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ACLU) and the Lucas County Sheriff's Office helped the League develop this program.  We work with the Corrections Adminstrator each month to facilitate our visit.  Before an election, we work with the Board of Elections (BOE) to fill out specific absentee ballot requests so the Board of Elections can send people to assist those eligible at the jail to vote.  

High School (HS) Voter Reg

High School students who will be 18 before or on the date of the General Election in November are eligible to register and then vote in elections for that year.  Some High Schools have teachers or staff who actively identify these students and encourage participation in the voting process.  LWV-TLC makes contact with various High Schools and assists in a variety of ways to facilitate registration and voting.  Examples of the assistance may be:  having voter registration events:  working with students to support them in having registration events and / or simply supporting a "key" person within the school to register students.

BOE (Board of Elections) Observer Corps
Promoting the public’s right to know is integral to the health of our democracy.  To that end, the League has formed the Observer Corps who attend / observe governmental meetings and report actions to League members.  Currently, volunteers attend the Board of Elections (BOE) Meetings on a monthly basis.  

The League of Woman Voters of Toledo-Lucas County is
a member of Northwest Ohio Community Shares

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P.O. Box 2506
Toledo, OH 43606-0506

Cell Phone: 419-540-3487

Email Contacts:

 Voter Information 
 Membership Information
 Press/Media Contact
 Calendar, General Information
 Website Questions/Comments