The new Cave Civic Award recognizes University of Toledo students and incoming high school students in our communities for their outstanding civic engagement. This committee has the honor of selecting the annual award recipient and promoting critical thinking and civic engagement.
This award is made possible by a generous donation from the Family of Alfred A. Cave. Mrs. Cave was a member of the League of Women Voters Toledo Lucas County from 1991, upon her retirement from the University of Toledo, until her death in 2004. She was a two-term member of the LWVTLC board of directors and an active member of the Forum and Education Committees, involved in both candidate and issues forums. She also headed the They Represent You (TRY) Committee that publishes our League’s directory of public officials and initiated the addition of judges to the booklet. A beloved English Professor, she is most remembered for her leadership role in promoting reading and critical thinking through the University of Toledo Honors College Reading Conference.

Mary Sue Deisher Cave