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These are the committees defined within League of Women Voters of Toledo-Lucas County. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
LWV-TLC collaborates with the Federal Court of the Northern District of OH at Naturalization Ceremonies. Once sworn in, new citizens are greeted by League members who provide information on voting, register them to vote, and encourage their active participation in our democracy.
1st Wednesday “Going Home To Stay” is part of the Reentry Coalition of Northwest Ohio. Held the first Wednesday of the month offering services for restored citizens to help them get integrated back into the community. Services such as: Mental & physical well being, Family support, Education & counseling, Legal support & Drivers license. The League helps to check voting status, register to vote & provide voter information.
Promoting the public’s right to know is integral to the health of our democracy. To that end, the League has formed the Observer Corps who attend/observe governmental meetings and report actions to League members. Currently, volunteers attend the Board of Elections (BOE) Meetings on a monthly basis.
The League goes to the LC Jail the 2nd Wednesday of the month to register those serving a misdemeanor or waiting for trial. Members also provide a voter information card along with information about the Reentry Coalition Program whereby contact information is provided for services to help them get integrated back into the community.
This committee focuses on providing educational information regarding voting rights to high school students. Any high school student who will be 18 on or before the date of the General Election each year is eligible to register to vote and to vote. The committee's goal is to connect with the various high schools and determine a "contact" person who will assist in accomplishing the task of getting eligible students informed and/or registered to vote.
2023 brings new laws which change many of the rules around voting. Getting information out to citizens who may not know about the changes and / or who are more vulberable in making the new changes is a new challenge. Promoting active and informed participation in government, the League focuses on efforts to register voters and provide them the tools needed to vote. In addition to registering voters, this committee informs current voters of recent changes to voting rules and encourages all voters to exercise their voice by voting. National Voter Registration happens nationally in the Fall and there are many locations locally where voter registration occurs.
The HOT BUTTON ISSUES Committee develops monthly programs with speakers who present information on a variety of topics related to civics, community issues, and advocacy positions that the League supports. These programs occur between October thru November and January thru April; and for the League’s General Meetings, which are scheduled for the 3rd Monday evening of the month September thru April. The presentations take place at sites all over town such as, public libraries. Occasionally events are scheduled as hybrid sessions with “in person” and on Zoom options. The Hot Button Issues Committee plans the subjects, arranges for speakers, and facilitates the sessions with input from the LWV-TLC Board and Membership. Check our public calendar for dates, times, and locations. While the events themselves are open to the public, the Committee meetings are not. Be sure to check the members’ calendar for meeting info.
LWV has, for more than 100 years, worked to protect and expand voting rights. One of the greatest threats to our democracy is gerrymandering or the redrawing of voter districts in favor of one political party and thereby, diminishing the value of individual votes.
The Mary Sue Deisher Cave Civic Award recognizes University of Toledo students and incoming high-school students for their outstanding civic engagement. This committee has the honor of selecting an annual award recipient who has promoted critical thinking and civic engagement. This award is made possible by a generous donation from the Family of Alfred A. Cave.
Joining LWV is the threshold for entering the League’s non-partisan political and civil world that works to educate and advocate for citizen rights. The volunteers of the Membership Committee recruit, welcome, and educate new members.
This committee has been instrumental in designing and creating the current website. They will continue to be reviewing, revising and updating other tools to support the website. Members interested in Information Technology and / or Photograpy are invited to join.
The Archive Committee is tasked with the job of maintaining, supporting and adding to the LWVTLC archives housed in the main library of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Using guidelines published by the Library’s archivist, the committee sorts current league records to determine their suitability for addition to the archives, and familiarizes itself with the archives to best advise how they might be used to keep the history of the league alive within the membership.
As elections draw near, citizens want to know what the candidates think. This committee sends an inquiry to each candidate, receives the information and makes it available on On this website a citizen can check to see who is on their ballot, find out where their polling location is and read responses from candidates. All of this helps voters be informed.
Following the election in November, the League compiles pertinent contact information for every candidate in Lucas County's 5 cities, 6 villages, 11 townships & 11 Boards of Education. The booklets are printed and made available to all Lucas County Public Libraries.
The Committee regularly reviews LWV-TLC Bylaws & Policies to ensure that they are in compliance with those of the LWVUS and LWVOH and reflect current practices.
The Committee coordinates all internal and external communications for LWV-TLC, ensuring all messages are timely, engaging and factual. The goals include consistent messaging and high-quality content across all communication platforms and initiatives. Volunteers who enjoy researching topics, writing, data entry, and photography are needed.
Forums are an opportunity to get to the heart of issues and learn where candidates stand. If you are interested in working together to present a forum, please email or call and leave a message at 419-540-3487.
The Finance Committee provides financial oversight of LWV-TLC, monitoring monthly reports, conducting regular audits, and preparing annual budgets. Its members help ensure that the League has the necessary resources to provide programming and deliver its mission in the community.
In order to meet its goal to protect and defend democracy, LWV-TLC relies on donations to support LOCAL programming such as Naturalization, Education, and Voter Services. To raise money, LWV-TLC conducts an annual campaign, garage sale, and other special events. We also take advantage of programs such as Kroger Community Rewards Program. Volunteer participation makes this possible.
The Speaker's Bureau provides presentations on a variety of topics. League presentations are nonpartisan and are provided as a public service at no cost. To volunteer as a speaker or if your organization would like to host a speaker, email
LWV-TLC Board of Directors (BOD) is comprised of 9 elected members. There are 5 officers and 4 Directors-at-Large. They are on rotational terms with elections at the Annual Meeting in the Spring. The Board provides organizational direction and leadership ensuring the organization is acting in line with its mission for serving others and is responsible for the overall growth of the LWV-TLC. The president(s) also serve as the link among our chapter and the national and state Leagues of Women Voters
Towards the end of our fiscal year (June 30), LWV-TLC holds its annual meeting to review status reports and vote on new board members, advocacy positions, and nominating committee members. There is often a speaker at these meetings, a meal, and an auction. Committee members lead the effort arranging for the site and meal, finding auction and raffle items and arranging for the speaker. Member also work with the president(s) on building the agenda.

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P.O. Box 2506
Toledo, OH 43606-0506

Cell Phone: 419-540-3487

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