March 2025
At the end of each year ,the League of Women Voters of Ohio(LWVO) sends out a survey to local Leagues in order to compile data on the Leagues’ activities for the year. This year’s survey consisted of sixty-five (65) questions. Ann Payne, Nancy Gurney and Bonnie Bishop spent many hours completing the survey and the results are very impressive.
Highlights of the survey results include:
- Total volunteers participating in our work-60
- Total volunteer hours invested in election-related activities-1500
- Total voters that our local League reached-5000
- Total election-related activities hosted by our League-150
- Number of people our League registered outside of Vote411-575
These numbers are AMAZING. Thanks to all of the volunteers for their hard work. And it would have been impossible to complete the survey without Nancy Gurney’s copious documentation throughout the year. If anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of the survey, contact one of the co-presidents.
If you have not participated directly in the work of our local League, please consider joining one of our committees-we need you! In lieu of direct volunteer work, you can donate a contribution to our local League through our website. We work hard to ensure that your money is well-spent . and enables us to continue this most important work.
Also, on the local level, Michelle MacFarlane once again stepped up to lead the February general membership meeting where we reviewed and reassessed the LWVO’s advocacy positions. Results will be posted once complete. Thank you again, Michelle for your leadership! The next board meeting will be held on March 10. See the calendar on our website for time and place.
The next general membership meeting will be held on March 17 at 6:30 at the Sanger Branch of Toledo-Lucas County Library where we will have speakers discussing the Electoral College as part of a 2-part series on this topic.
On the state level, early registration for the LWVO convention kin Aurora, Ohio in May closes as of March 12.
On the national level, voter suppression in the form of the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility) is being fast-tracked through the legislature. In addition to its deleterious impact on minorities, and marginalized voters, it is an attack on the rights of women to vote. The impact could affect as many as 60 million women who have married and changed their name.You would be required ill be required to offer proof of citizenship and, if you are married and changed your last name, you must produce proof of marriage that indicates this name change. It could also mean the end to online and mail-in registration. For more on this outrageous legislation and how to take action, please see LWVO’s website.
Rosemarie Barciz, Co-President
Bonnie Bishop, Co-President