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HomeNaturalization Ceremony

LWV Toledo-Lucas County
Naturalization  Ceremony

New Citizens

Register To Vote


This is a very popular Voter Services Activity, and through volunteer participation, it is a great way to meet other league members.  Many league members have never attended a Naturalization Ceremony.

Immigrants to this country who have met the requirements for citizenship are sworn in as full U.S. citizens in a formal legal ceremony. The Federal Court of the Northern District of Ohio conducts this ceremony.  This court has its seat in Lucas County and is made up of 21 counties in northern Ohio.  The Ceremonies take place every month with new citizens attending from any of the 21 counties.  They are held all over the district (BGSU, Toledo Zoo, Sauder Village to name a few).

For decades, LWV-TLC volunteers have played an integral role in these ceremonies by welcoming new Americans and encouraging their active participation in our democracy.


As part of the event, each new citizen receives a booklet entitled New Citizens Guide to Voting in Ohio which has information about upcoming elections, voting and our local League.  The booklet also includes a Voter Registration form.

Naturalization Ceremony August 2022, Toledo Museum of Art

Registering New Citizens to Vote

In 2017 LWV-TLC began actively registering new citizens to vote.  This proved to be a great way to meet members of our diverse community, provide information about upcoming elections and inform new voters about getting information about candidates and issues through the Voters Guide in


Another form included in the booklet is a Naturalization TRY (They Represent You).  The  TRY is created for use at all Northwest Ohio Naturalization Ceremonies.  It gives new U.S. citizens a guide to help them find their respective government representatives in any of the 21 counties

We provide copy of these documents in our RESOURCE LIBRARY on this website.  The documents are in the Voter Information folder.  You can download 
the document there and/or you can click to view below.

New Citizens Guide to Voting in Ohio

Naturalization TRY

nat 06-3-2023b
Naturalization Ceremony 2021 at Government Center

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P.O. Box 2506
Toledo, OH 43606-0506

Cell Phone: 419-540-3487

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